eat lovely: mint iced coffee

9:50 AM

As ALU grows, the overall theme of the store is leaning more towards lifestyle. I want the experience to be a one stop shop for a lovely life. Hopefully this little blog will reflect that notion especially moving forward into the new year where a variety of content will be featured. It's obvious the store is stocked with women's clothing and accessories but don't forget we also have little sweet little bits and bobs that can make your home feel just a bit prettier without breaking the bank. 

Integrating some new content into the blog is a big goal for 2016 and to start it off, let's have a chat about cooking. Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a big fan of cooking and keeping a well stocked, cozy kitchen. My home is small and I'm constantly on a budget but I always make an effort to make sure where I lay my head at night is a peaceful, organized and comfy setting. Coming up with a recipe idea or a meal plan, making a list on my note pad and going to the grocery store multiple times a week for fresh ingredients is a big part of my week. Meal planning in general is a big part of my life since I'm super busy with the stores and tend to work all weekend as well. With that said, I will be featuring different recipes each week on the blog that I feel that my shoppers/readers would enjoy.

First up? Coffee. Specifically, iced coffee. It's a huge part of my life, what can I say. I'm also one of those cutesy coffee drinkers - interesting flavors, delicious creamers, etc. I'm all in. Though I really hate sugary, syrupy crap filled drinks so when I found this wonderful recipe on How Sweet it Is, I basically leaped for joy. Also, who made the rule that iced coffee is just for the warmer months? I say drink iced coffee all year long. 

Recipe over here. Enjoy!

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