thoughts on originality..

1:16 PM

Since the minute I said outloud that I wanted to start my own business, the questions began. The how's, why's, when's, etc. Some of the questions were/are just negative or nosey but most come from a genuinely interested place and I know that for sure because I ask other business owners the same type of questions to keep myself on my toes. Or to simply keep on learning. Because there is so much to learn.

Running a business and having "no one to answer to" certainly has it's ups and downs. One of the best parts is that you can just make most decisions without going through a ton of people to get approval. You can switch things up, change it a bit and see what the result is almost immediately.

 It's funny to even consider that when you work for yourself that you have 'no one to answer to' because who you have to answer to = Customers, landlords, vendors, that pile of bills sitting on the desk daily and last but not least, your bank account! The biggest boss ever. The list goes on. 

So not glamorous but it's the reality. And that's okay.

Aside from your own self motivation, all your numerous bosses are the ones who keep your dream alive and growing.

But when it comes to the ins and outs of a small business - it's up to you to atleast attempt to create it's destiny. When I wake up in the morning, my brain is hyper focused on "How can I make today better than yesterday?" and when I fall asleep at night I think "How can I make tomorrow better than today?".

In addition to having actual business competition surrounding you (which I consider a good thing.), I actually feel like I'm in constant competition with myself. Never settling and always considering how things can improve and feel fresh.

My mission for the upcoming seasons will be to stock the store with all your favorites but also really search for different brands that we haven't had in yet so everything continues to move forward in an original way.

But what happens when other businesses nearby start suddenly carrying brands that we already stock & love? And YOU love! Do you toss in the towel and find new ones completely? But what if it keeps on happening? Again. Again. Again. What if customers come in to tell you about it? Or worse..if people think you are the one stealing ideas.  Ugh.

It's hard to decide what originality is in fashion anyway. But come on, let's try!

It seems the best answer to that age old question of "What do I do when ______ makes me feel ______?" is to hold your head high and have true confidence in your vision and your business in general.  Be polite, perhaps even sympathetic, respectful and keep going. Keep asking for more. Keep it moving. Focus on the good things. This is something to remember in any industry or situation, even personal, but definitely is easier said than done. But again, let's try.

What I do know is that the look and feel of ALU is a specific one and one that I will continue to fine tune and grow as time goes on but will always be consistent and true to the big picture.

The responses I hear in both of the stores and the amount of repeat customers keep my motivation sky high and I'm abs-o-lute-ly LOVING Spring in Montclair and get butterflies thinking of when LBI is in full swing again.

Is this to say that every person that walks thru the door 'gets it' and loves it? Hell no! But I've decided that many of you out there are 'my people', my 'ALU people' and you get it. I work for you. And I'm so thankful that I'm meeting more and more and more of you each day.


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