chia seed pudding

11:22 AM

Are you into the whole chia seed craze? I have tested them out a few times over the past 2 years - some hits, some misses but I have found that my new favorite breakfast that sets the day right is chia pudding! Chia seeds are super high in fiber, omega 3, and so many different vitamins that help with skin, nails, hair and increases your energy.

At first, I was really intimidated by the idea of a chia pudding but it's actually the easiest thing ever. If you're specific with the textures of your food, this may be something you love or you hate. Once you get the initial recipe down, you can utilize endless ways to make it your own and add different toppings every day or keep it the same. My personal favorite is using a coconut milk base with coconut flakes, almonds and pomegranates with a drizzle of honey. Sometimes I'll even add in a bit of iced coffee to give it even more of a jolt since I'm a coffee freak in the morning and basically need it thru an intravenous to make me not a complete monster person.

Another perk of this recipe? You can make it ahead - in fact, you kind of have to. Combine your ingredients at night before bed, put in the fridge and enjoy in the AM! Any time I can keep the kitchen clean in the morning and still enjoy a nice breakfast is a win/win.

Here is an easy recipe with all the basics to get you started. A tip: get your chia seeds at Trader Joes. They're a bit cheaper than going to a health food store (although it's good to support the little guys if you can swing it) or Whole Foods.


  • 1 cup coconut (or almond or soy) milk
  • ¼ cup chia seeds
  • splash of iced coffee
  • honey, to taste
  • Combine ingredients in a bowl (or a coffee mug - which is what i use), give it a good stir and cover with plastic wrap and leave in the fridge overnight for best results. 
  • After it's been refrigerated, the ingredients should have turned into a pudding like texture. Let it sit out of the fridge for 5-10 minutes and then add any favorite toppings!
  • TIP: make up to 3 different puddings at once and keep in the fridge for up to 3 days.

chia seed pudding photo credit here

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