getting there..

2:47 PM

Spring has sprung (kind of!) and it's making such a difference when it comes to the shop's overall feel. Opening Montclair in a lot of ways felt/feels like starting from square one since everything in this location is so new. Even though the business itself is over 3 years old, it's a unique experience getting to know the flow of things and the specific months that are good and not so good in this new spot. 

There have been so many positive surprises like how quick it was to gain loyal regular customers who have not only been sweet, informative and supportive but also inspire the merchandise that comes through the door each week. As I'm approaching running two different locations at once, I feel comfortable getting through the past 4 months in the Montclair location and learning a bit more about who my customer up here is. Just like in LBI, the shop touches a wide range of women of all ages who come in and just get it and keep coming back for more. Which is a true dream! 

With all of the positive, there is of course so many strange happenings that pop up just when you think you're getting the hang of things. Isn't that life though? It's what keeps things interesting I suppose. Running a retail store, or just working with the public in general, shows you all walks of life. Some days you wonder what's going to walk through the door to test your patience but most days I'm truly knocked over by how sweet most strangers can be. Thankfully none of the bumps in the road are that bad and the train just keeps on rolling. 

Consider this an open sentence to anyone who has been in the shop: if you came in, had nice words and possibly even purchased something, became a regular or just acted nice - thank you!

It's been almost a year since Brooklyn closed and I'm just now sitting down and reflecting on all of the changes. I'm exhausted thinking about it all (closing 1 store, opening 2, moving out of brooklyn, getting engaged*) but feel happy that I never lost steam and kept it moving. Just one year brought so many changes and so much growth. The store is still a baby (my baby!) but it's on such a good path and I just feel thankful. 

LBI is almost ready to re-open

Here's to a calmer year to come...but not too calm! A year where the two locations can both bloom beautifully in the spots they're planted in right now and truly be on the road to being the best they can be. That's all I can ask for right now and I think its definitely an achievable goal.

**yep i'm gettin' hitched! may of 2017 and yes there will be plenty of planning tidbits to share :)

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